Actioning Team Strategy

Team Accelerator

Get your team aligned and collaborating to drive business results.

A team coaching program for leaders and operations to focus on customer engagement, employee experience, and innovation or whatever is most important for team success.

Every quarter we set goals and priorities by using creative thinking plays to tap into the insights of the group to unlock potential and craft opportunities.

We reflect, share a laugh and connect with intention.

Leadership Coaching Workshop
Team accelerator

Is this your team?

  • Team progress has stalled
  • Accountability has slipped
  • Leaders have lost connection 
  • Priorities are unclear or chaotic
  • Opportunities have been missed
  • Leaders are not collaborating
  • Decision making is flawed

Team Accelerator is designed to set a rhythm for team connection and collaboration that promotes ideation and collective decision making.

Strengthen accountability, accelerate progress and amplify outcomes with Team Accelerator

What is Team Accelerator?

Team Accelerator is an annual leadership team coaching program facilitated for teams to align, plan and prioritise as a collective.  

Creative thinking is key to team success.

Every quarter we have a team game day which is a chance to connect, reflect and collaborate to make choices to drive purpose and operations.

Every leader has access to individual and group coaching sessions to ensure accountability and to resolve any barriers to success.

team accelerator